
What you need to know before you host a summer party

The Summer Solstice was just last week. That’s right the longest day of the year has passed and days are slowly getting shorter. Don’t miss any more of the sunlight – use it to your advantage, get out and enjoy it! To kick off the rest of the summer here is your guide to Summer Entertaining devoted to making it easier to enjoy the ones you love and the sun.

Summer party
Summer Entertaining Series
The things you need to know to ensure summer fun for all

#1 Food: easy, delicious and safe, read this before dishing up
#2 Relaxing Refreshments, don’t break a sweat keeping hydrated
#3 Easy Breezy, decorate with casual summer style for less
#4 Keep Your Cool, comfort is everything
#5 Party in an Instant, have these on hand to welcome guests at any time

Week #1 Food, easy, delicious and safe? Read this before dishing up

There are few things better than a BBQ with friends in the summer. Don’t let the heat spoil your party. Here is what you need to keep serving up good times.

  1. Keep it clean: Avoid cross contamination by always using clean cutting boards, platters and utensils when handling raw and cooked items.
  2. Keep it cool: When transporting food keep beverages and perishable food items in separate coolers. Keep ice on top of food not just on the bottom for the best chill.
  3. Keep it small: To avoid tossing out extra food serve sides in smaller bowls and replenish often.
  4. Keep it shaded: Never set out food in direct sunlight. Pull your table under the shade of a tree, use a large umbrella, tent or keep your food table in a garage or under a pavilion.
  5. Keep time: As a general rule, never eat cooked meat or dairy products that have been out of refrigerator for more than two hours. This also applies to condiments like mayonnaise. Never leave raw meat out for any period of time and remember, “When in doubt toss it out”

Need a side? Check out these party favorites to accompany any grill out.

Fresh Tomato and Bean Salsa

Penne Pasta Toss

German Potato Salad

Thai Peanut Pasta Salad

Pick up your copy of The Pretty Plate for more simple techniques and recipes, and learn about the five elements to make your everyday meals magnificent.

IAH 5-16 pretty plate

Healthy Food

Healthy Food, Healthy Activities, Healthy Kids

IAH 5-23 peasLife is full of things we “need” to do, and with that, consistently getting healthy food on the table does not always happen. Sadly, even when we do get great healthy new foods on the table kids don’t always want to eat them. Today I share with you how you how to engage that picky eater by simply changing the way a food is presented.

It is not always easy to introduce new foods to children. However, by using the elements of The Pretty Plate, you can make healthy foods interesting and fun so they want to try them. The best way I have found to get kids to try new foods is to involve them in the process, let them have an opinion, a choice between two things, or let them play with their food. I don’t mean toss spaghetti at the walls, but let them have fun by mixing up colors, shapes and textures, and being creative with how a food is presented. Remember we all eat first with our eyes.

One of the things I love is letting the kids make veggie kabobs. I discovered that my niece would not touch a bowl of peas, but as soon as I gave her toothpicks she was able to make a game of it turning the bowl of peas into pea kabobs that were fun to eat. You can even let them dip the kabobs in a sauce for extra flavor and fun. You can try this with a variety of fruits and vegetables; try cutting items into different shapes for more interest. This becomes an activity for kids; now their focus is not especially on the type of foods, but the fun they are having assembling them. By changing how a food is presented, they are having fun and loving trying out new, healthy foods.

For more information on involving kids in the kitchen, check out Cooking With Kids Made Easy.  And pick up your copy of The Pretty Plate for more simple techniques and recipes, and learn about the five elements to make your everyday meals magnificent.

IAH 5-16 pretty plate

Cooking With Kids Made Easy

Impressions at Home - Cooking With KidsCooking with kids may be one of the most beneficial things you can do with them, but entering into a kitchen with a child can also be a very dangerous, messy and stressful situation. Here is my guide to set you and the kids up for kitchen success. You will reap only the benefits of cooking with children and leave the headaches for another day.

Set a mood for fun and learning. Cooking with kids will take more time and does require effort. But as with most things in life, the good things are worth the work and the wait. Keep your cool with little chefs; play as they learn. Remember: Cooking with kids is as much about the “process” as it is the product.

Setting up for success:

Don’t take on new tasks if you or the child is “starving.” If this is the case, pick a quick recipe that makes a quick healthy snack, or have veggies, fruit, and dip to snack on before you start.

Make sure you and the child are well-rested; most people tend to get cranky more easily if they are hungry or tired.

Make time for cooking. Cooking with kids can take longer as they are learning new skills. Enlist their help on a weekend afternoon when you don’t feel the mid-week time crunch of activities.

1.   Planning is part of the fun! Have fun choosing the recipe.

  • Share about the task you are doing, why you are doing it and what is happening. Allow them to help in planning a menu, choosing a recipe, and finding the correct ingredients so that they can become familiar with the kitchen.
  • Choose simple recipes to start. The easier a dish is to prepare, the more likely the kids will want to make it again. Start with things like quick breads, muffins, pasta, dips, smoothies, and sandwiches.
  • Given the child’s age and skill set, think about which steps your child can do independently. For example, kids who can read can call out the ingredients from the recipe card while you put them out on the counter. A younger child can help you pour and measure ingredients into a bowl. An older child might be able to mix or maybe even cut ingredients.
  • Doing some prep work in advance, such as washing items, trimming meats or cutting hard vegetables will make the process move more swiftly.

2.   Create a safe place where kids can cook.

  • All people cooking should wash their hands before beginning. Set up a work area at a lower height to make it easier for preschoolers to reach things. Offer children a stool only if you know they can balance on it.
  • Give frequent reminders about what’s OK okay to touch and which items can hurt them. Remove any sharp objects from their reach.
  • Talk about which kitchen tasks are for grown-ups and which ones are for kids.
  • Establish clear kitchen rules so they are aware of the fun and as well as the dangers of the kitchen, such as washing hands, not touching stove knobs or knives, cleaning up and getting to taste what you are making. I call this the “chef’s bite” ?only those cooking can taste the food as we are making it. Kids love this as it makes them feel special.

3.   Closely supervise children of all ages.

  • Do not leave a child unattended in the kitchen. If you must leave for a moment, take the child with you. Accidents can happen in the quickest moments.
  • Explain to them about the stove in age-appropriate, simple terms; for example, “The stove is hot! It’s not OK okay to touch it. Adults will handle the hot items. You can watch.” Always keep pan and utensil handles turned towards the back of the stove.

4.   Give children their own safe utensils.

  • Offer children wooden or plastic tools that are smaller and fit the size of their hands. Avoid giving children graters, as fingers can easily get scraped. Children can help snip herbs with rounded edge scissors. When a child is responsible enough, you can allow them to use small knives under close supervision. When you are using a knife, be sure to demonstrate safe knife skills, such as holding the knife properly, keeping blades sharp, using the appropriate knife for the task and cutting on flat skid-proof surfaces. If you need assistance with knife skills, contact me about a specialty session or watch this video on what knives you need. Note: your child will learn how you teach them, so only teach them good healthy and safe habits.

5.   Other learning is in the mix!

  • Ask the child to read each instructions aloud as you prepare the food, which will help with learning sequencing and following directions.
  • Your child can count and help measure to build math skills.
  • Do a bit of history after the dish is complete to find out where it came from or any special holidays or cultures that are associated with it.

6.   Introduce new foods.

  • On average, we need to taste foods up to 11 times to know if we “like it or not.” Introduce new foods in different ways with different sauces, shapes or cooking methods, like such as sliced apples, apple sauce, and baked apples.
  • Make simple things special:  Using Use a variety of cookie cutters to shape bread, cheese slices or even apple or red pepper slices to makes them special.

7.   Make set-up and clean-up part of the routine.

  • Know that you will most likely have a little mess, spilled flour, milk or a dropped egg. Do not let these moments frustrate you as this will frustrate the child, as well. Simply use it as a learning moment to teach how to do the activity next time and show that it’s okay to make a mess as long as we clean it up, too.
  • When all cooking is done, assist the child in simple tasks to help clean up. Even if it is just putting a few items in the sink and washing their hands, it is important that the child learns that cleaning up it is part of cooking.
  • To help avoid messes, guide children to measure over a cookie sheet that can catch excess, or break eggs into separate bowls to avoid slip-ups that ruin the entire dish.

8.   Give praise, acknowledgement and encouragement

  • Lastly, compliment your little chef. Celebrate their accomplishment and taste what you made together. This will also open conversation for new items to cook by asking “what do you like about the taste?” “What would you want to do differently next time?” If they have had fun even if they did not like what they made, they will do it again. You are building the foundation of a healthy lifestyle.

The 15 Benefits of Cooking with Children

Impressions at Home - Cooking with childrenWe all want the best for the children in our lives. I believe that no one would ever wish ill-will on a child, but did you know that you may be keeping the best fundamental learning from your child without realizing it? Many studies have been done on the benefits of eating at home and creating a consistent family meal time. Eating together is just one step; the other is beginning to cook with your children.

The 15 Benefits of Cooking with Children

15.  Exposure to cooking helps kids develop their taste palate. By being introduced to and tasting new healthy foods, it broadens their senses for food.

14.  Kids are more likely to eat what they make. Cooking creates a sense of ownership, making it easier for children to willingly try new foods and enjoy sitting down to family meal that they helped prepare.

13.  Learning to prepare nutritious meals at a young age promotes healthy eating habits in the later years of life.

12.  Meals prepared from scratch usually contain more nutrients and fewer calories, chemicals and sweeteners than pre-packaged foods and restaurant meals.

11.  By creating meals and snacks at home, kids are less likely to consume processed junk foods.

10.  Cooking together provides a natural way to discuss nutrition; where food comes from and the impact our choices have on the environment. The more educated children are about food, the more likely they will appreciate your suggestions for new, healthy foods.

9.    Cooking creates an opportunity to communicate together on a regular basis. It allows children a time to relax and talk openly while working on other tasks.

8.    Cooking builds self-esteem and confidence. Kids feel like they are accomplishing something and contributing to the family.

7.    Children develop a sense of accomplishment and pride in their achievement.

6.    Allowing your children to help cook develops responsibility because you are trusting them with an important family task, and it relieves you from having to prepare the meal alone.

5.    Stronger relationships can be created between child and adult by spending quality time together.

4.    Kids who cook and eat with their parents are less likely to abuse substances.

3.    Cooking is one of the most inexpensive and entertaining activities for both adults and children, and you usually have great treats to share when finished.

2.    Cooking is just the beginning. Through cooking you can also teach about science, math, budgeting, weighing, sequencing, measuring, problem-solving, sharing, reading, art, history and other cultures.

1.    Cooking is an essential skill children can use for the rest of their lives. Eventually, they may even cook and take care of you.

Fresh Plating Ideas for Spring

Rachel Sherwood Featured on Twin Cities Live
Featured on Twin Cities Live

Spring is on its way! Time to lighten up and enjoy some of the fresh items that are available this time of year. Here are some great ways to add fresh appeal to your ordinary meals using the five elements of The Pretty Plate.
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Plating Ideas - Oil#1 Decorating with Infused Oils
The first things that are usually available in the spring are fresh herbs. You can even grow them in your window at home. I love to make and use infused oils, not only for flavor, but also for decorating my plate. They are great for appetizers and entrées.

How to Make Infused Oils

Clean and completely dry a jar or bottle with a tight-fitting lid or cork stopper.

Choose your herbs (thyme, rosemary, sage, oregano, basil, or any of your favorite combinations). Wash well and allow to dry completely. It is important that no water is present.

Combine oil and herbs in a saucepan and slowly heat to a simmer; then remove from heat.

Allow herbs to sit in the oil until they cool. You can choose to leave the herbs in or strain them out for a cleaner look. Funnel into a clean container.

If using items such as garlic, lemon or pepper, store the oil in the refrigerator as these items can spoil quickly.

#2 Add Interest to Vegetables
Spring is also a great time for fresh vegetables like spring green beans and asparagus, but who wants plain, dull vegetables? Adding vegetables to your diet using the elements of The Pretty Plate to add color, shape and texture to your next side dish will create an appealing, tasty and healthy meal. Try sautéing your vegetables with a little garlic and lemon zest, then sprinkling with some toasted nuts or sesame seeds. Add a sliced, grilled chicken breast for a complete, healthy meal.

#3 Salads – Tossed  vs. Composed
Turn your everyday salads into stunning entrées.  If you want to eat a little lighter, turn your side salad into a main meal. Instead of tossing the salad together, make a composed salad by laying all of the main ingredients nicely on top of the lettuce and then drizzling with dressing. This is an easy way to turn a messy side salad into an impressive entrée.

#4 No-Bake Dessert Shooters
As the weather heats up, you may want to leave your oven off and make some simple no-bake desserts. Instead of serving a traditional cheesecake, make it light and elegant by serving it as a mousse. Single-serve miniatures are very trendy right now.

This application of cheesecake mousse topped with graham cracker crumbs is perfect for any gathering. You could also use something simple like chocolate pudding or lemon curd for other variations.

???????????????????????????????Cheesecake Mousse Shooters
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
¼ cup sour cream
½ cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
½ cup heavy cream
6 graham crackers, crushed (about 1 cup of crumbs)
¼ cup brown sugar
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoon melted butter

To make graham cracker topping:

Heat oven to 350 degrees.

In a medium sized bowl, combine graham cracker crumbs, sugar and cinnamon. Drizzle with melted butter and stir to coat crumbs.

Bake in 9×9” pan for 6-8 minutes until golden, stirring once in the middle.

Allow to cool and store in an airtight container.

To make cheesecake mousse:

In a large bowl combine cream cheese, sour cream, powdered sugar, and vanilla; mix until well-combined and fluffy, about 3 minutes.

Whip heavy cream until soft peaks form.

Carefully fold the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture and pour into a zip-top bag.

Pipe mixture into desired serving vessels and refrigerate until ready to serve. Garnish with toasted graham cracker crumbs before serving.