Simple is almost always better. Being a busy working mom I am on the go a lot. Can you relate? If it’s not running to meetings, it’s child pickups, daily errands or squeezing in a yoga class. One of my favorite go to snacks requires no cooking at all and gives me energy to get through the day. In my house we love nuts!
Did you know that by eating a handful of nuts and seeds each day can promote a healthy heart? Nuts contain unsaturated fatty acids and other nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and vitamin E. They make great simple on the go snacks, additions to salads, entrées and desserts. They are high in calories, so it’s important to limit portions but they are also high in protein helping you stay fuller longer so you don’t feel the need to eat as much or reach for other unhealthy options.
Did you know that eating more nuts and seeds has also been linked to lower levels of inflammation linked to heart disease. Nuts may also reduce your risk of developing blood clots that can cause a fatal heart attack. So this year, say, I love you with a handful of nuts, your heart will thank you. Want to know how to store nuts and seeds well or how to buy them for best long lasting flavor? Check out our simple guide How to Store Nuts and Seeds.
How to Store Nuts and Seeds
Try to buy the freshest nuts and seeds possible. I love shopping the bulk section, as they tend to have a quick turnaround, are restocked often and are usually less expensive than the pre-packaged ones. You can also get as much or as little as you want. If possible, taste before you buy to ensure freshness or at least try to small them, this is easy to do in the bulk section. Nuts and seeds should have sweet and mellow flavors and smell, if there is a strong odor or off putting taste this is a key sign they are old and rancid. Do not buy rancid items there is not way to fix the strong off-putting flavors and it will destroy your dish.
Storage and Location:
Store nuts and seeds in airtight containers. Keeping air out keeps nuts fresher. Nut and seed easily absorb other flavors around them so airtight is the best for long lasting quality and flavor.

If you are going to use your nuts or seeds within a few months, 1-3 they are fine in a cool, dark and dry place in the pantry. If you want to keep them fresher longer or like to keep a variety on hand you can store them in the refrigerator or freezer. Nuts freezer really well so if you find fresh ones on sale stock up and keep them cold.
Keep an eye on it:
In general, nuts and seeds will stay fresh for up to six months stored in the refrigerator and for up to one year stored in the freezer. The sturdier your container, the less likely they are to pick up smells from other foods stored near them.

Take Extra Care:
Process your nuts yourself. Whole, raw nuts and seeds will stay fresh the longest. When pre-chopped, toasted, or ground into flour or meal, nuts release their oils; these oils are then exposed to more oxygen, remember air makes them go rancid more quickly. Learn knife skills and try toasting nuts and grinding your own flour or meal in a high-powered blender or food processor. Doing this not only guarantees freshness but also your toasted nuts and seeds will taste better.
Do you have a favorite way for ideal nuts and seed storage?
Do you have questions about how to best store a particular ingredient? Let me know, I am happy to help.
For more ways to save money you may also enjoy Grocery Shopping on a Budget, how to save money without cutting out the foods you love.
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