It’s summer and although our garden got put in late and has been slightly neglected with a new baby in the house we are still enjoying the bounty of garden fresh tomatoes! There is nothing quite like a delicious,,juicy, sun-warmed tomato picked fresh from your backyard. However, I can only eat so many BLT sandwiches and Caprese salads. I love this simple recipe for Grilled Gazpacho, it highlights the rich summer tomato and other easy to grow garden vegetables as well. The best part it that it is grilled giving this gazpacho a nice toasted depth of flavor. It is also made in a food processor and served cold. It’s super easy, light, refreshing and healthy. Enjoy this summer favorite of grilled gazpacho.

Grilled Gazpacho
1.5 pounds tomatoes 3-4 large tomatoes
1 large cucumber
2-3 yellow, orange or red bell peppers
1 medium red onion
6-8 tomatoes
1/2 cup olive oil
2-3 cloves garlic, peeled
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
Salt and Pepper to taste
3 tablespoons fresh herbs (such as tarragon, thyme, basil or parsley)
2-3 cups vegetable or chicken broth
Light a grill. Grill the tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, onion over a medium-hot fire, turning occasionally, until the vegetables are charred all over and almost softened, about 8 minutes. When the vegetables are cool enough to handle, remove the charred skins as well as any stems and seeds and chop them coarsely.
Roughly chop 2 tablespoons each of the tomato, cucumber, pepper, and onion and reserve these to garnish. Transfer vegetables and all remaining ingredients except chicken broth to a large food processor and puree. Add broth to thin to desired consistency, season with salt and pepper. Cover and chill thoroughly, at least 3 hours but preferably overnight. Adjust the consistency and seasoning if needed. Serve in chilled bowls garnished with the reserved vegetables, fresh herbs, croutons or Parmesan cheese crisps.
You can serve this in larger bowl or in smaller short glasses for an elegant chilled party appetizer!

Photos Styled by Rachel Sherwood, Photography by Isabel Subtil.