outdoor party tips

Summer Entertaining Series

Get Out and Celebrate! Summer Entertaining Series


Happy 4th of July! How are you celebrating your Independence Day? With an outdoor party, or maybe even a parade by chance? This is the holiday of all American holidays to be outside, enjoy the weather, your family, friends, food and fireworks! I wish you and your family the very best.

I hope that last week’s guide to serving up good food outdoor and keeping it safe helped prepare for this weekend. Now that you have the food handled week 2 is all about beverages. Enjoy!

To kick off the rest of summer here is your guide to Summer Entertaining devoted to making it easier to enjoy the ones you love and the sun.

Summer Entertaining Series

Get Out and Celebrate! Summer Entertaining Series

The things you need to know to ensure summer fun for all.

Did you miss something? Here is what you let slip and what is left to come, Don’t miss out on the fun you could be having.

 #1 Food, easy, delicious and safe? Read this before dishing up.

#2 Relaxing Refreshments, don’t break a sweat keeping hydrated

#3 Easy Breezy, decorate with casual summer style for less

#4 Keep Your Cool, comfort is everything

#5 Party in an Instant, Have these on hand to welcome guests at any time

Pick up your copy of The Pretty Plate for more simple techniques and recipes, and learn about the five elements to make your everyday meals magnificent.

IAH 5-16 pretty plate