setting the table


10 Secrets to De-Stress Your Holiday, Part 5

1. Make-ahead meals and no cooking required appetizers
2. Planning a workable menu and advance preparation
3. Decorate for less
4. Setting up for success
5. Get what you really need

This next secret is something I am continually learning and trying to practice. I am one who often just likes to “do it ALL myself” as then it is just the way I like it and want it. I am learning that there is also great value and joy in letting go and allowing others to help and asking for help even if I don’t necessarily need it. Everyone needs a chance to be involved. Here is how to start and create more way for success.

9. Delegate


It’s easy to try and be that super woman attempting to do it all, but there are times we all could use a little help. If a guest asks, allow them to help.  Even if it is just bringing a bag of ice or a bottle of wine, it is a way for them to participate and give as well; don’t deny them that opportunity.

The biggest pitfall in asking for help and delegating is being clear in your request. Often, we think we are clear but the other person may hear or think something completely different. I once asked my brother to help fold the laundry, and he did, but his interpretation of “fold the laundry” was to take every item and simply fold it in half. I had to laugh, as I could not get upset with him, for he did exactly what I asked. He folded the laundry, it just did not look as I had expected.

If you ask someone to bring a dish to share, let them know what you need.  A sweet or savory main dish or side? Should it come ready to serve or can they prep it when they get to the location? What time do you need it? Be clear and specific. The more details left out, the more area for misinterpretation, confusion, stress and disappointment by both parties. Go one step further and ask them to write it down, then repeat back what they are going to do. This helps reinforce the commitment in their mind and helps you both know that you understand what is expected.

10. Take Care of YOURSELF

The holidays are times for everyone to enjoy, that means you too. With all the running around, events, gifts and taking care of others, it can leave very little time for you. It is truly impossible to care for others well when you have not cared for yourself first. Think realistically about what you are committing to, how much you really want to be involved, and what a great holiday looks like to you, then plan accordingly. If something does not fit for you, instead of trying to squeeze it all in to make everyone else happy, have the power and respect for yourself to say no. The holiday will still be wonderful if you choose not to attend that cookie exchange, volunteer for the kids’ class party, or make everything from scratch.


Be clear and honest with yourself, ask for help and do what is important to you. Do something for yourself: maybe just 5 minute of quiet time with coffee in the morning, a yoga class, getting your nails done or taking a weekend away with your husband. Do what you need without guilt and without being attached to the holidays looking a specific way. Trust that everything will be perfect and it will. By taking care of yourself, others will be happier as well.

Wishing you and your family the very Happiest Holiday Season,


Separate Food and Beverage

10 Secrets to De-Stress Your Holiday, Part 4

1. Make-ahead meals and no cooking required appetizers
2. Planning a workable menu and advance preparation
3. Decorate for less
4. Setting up for success
5. Get what you really need

Being a lover of food and people, I am often entertaining. Even with a baby at home, we are still hosting gatherings quite often. People often ask me what’s my top piece of party planning advice. Although I have many useful secrets, tips and techniques, I think the easiest way to get a party off to a good start is to use this secret and separate your food and beverage areas.

7. Separate Food and Beverage

People naturally gather where there is food and drink. It is the most common error to put these two areas together, creating a traffic jam and guests who stay in one place. Why would someone want to leave a fully stocked buffet table with beverages near by? You may not consider these two things “entertainment” but they are big attraction areas for guests. By separating these two main attraction points, guests must get moving to get what they want often freeing up new space and allowing more interactions for mixing and mingling.

Separate Food and Beverage

(If you can – set up your buffet and beverage stations in opposite areas or rooms)

D.I.Y. Bar Set Up

(D.I.Y. Bar Set Up, click for how to do it.)

8. Manage the Mess

Whether you use china or paper, there are always dishes from the meal and cooking. Making as much food in advance will cut down on the dishes you have the day of the event.

use disposable pans to keep clean up easy

(use disposable pans to keep clean up easy)

Empty your dishwasher before guests arrive and load soap already in it. Once the dinner is finished, plates easily get loaded in and washed, as dessert is enjoyed. If you don’t have a dishwasher or you have too many dishes for one load, designate a corner space in the kitchen or tub to stack dirty dishes. This keeps the kitchen looking nice and your sink available for uses.

Empty your dishwasher before guests arrive

(Empty the dishwasher so it’s ready to fill during and after your party)

Also, double line trash bins so they are easy to take out and replace. Helpful guests don’t have to search for a new bag and it prevents guests from tossing something away without a bag making the process clean, quick and easy.

Double line trash bins

(Double line trash bins to always be ready)

extra ornaments for easy centerpieces

10 Secrets to De-Stress Your Holiday, Part 3

1. Make-ahead meals and no cooking required appetizers
2. Planning a workable menu and advance preparation
3. Decorate for less
4. Setting up for success
5. Get what you really need

This time of year, it is easy for spending to get out of control. I always want to have the best experiences but am constantly looking for the best deals or ways to get a little more value with the least amount of effort. This week’s holiday entertaining secrets are all about creating that WOW factor for less — decorating for less and making your place look great with the least amount of work. Check out the other secrets to de-stress your holiday here:

Make-ahead meals and no cooking required appetizers
Planning a workable menu and advance preparation

Simple decorating for centerpieces

5. Simple Decorating for Centerpieces

Fill clear vases with a variety of inexpensive items you may even already have: extra ornaments, ribbons, candles, even candy. If you want flowers, think floating a single bloom, a tight bouquet of one bloom like carnations or even spruce tips. Choose clear vases that can be used for multiple uses any time of year and change the colors of the contents to go with the occasion/season.

 extra ornaments for easy centerpieces

(Use extra ornaments for easy centerpieces)



wine glasses are perfect simple vases

(Think outside the box, these wine glasses are perfect simple vases)

I also love decorating with food. It lasts longer than flowers and we can usually enjoy it to look at and then eat it later.

Decorating with food

(Decorating with food)

De-Stress Your Holiday

(Decorating with food)

easy flower arrangements

(a single bloom makes for easy flower arrangements)


(floating one large bloom like spider mums, Gerber daisy, sun flowers or open roses are also a good way to decorate with flowers for less)

6. Add Interest to Your Buffet

Think of the buffet as a roller coaster.  If it is all flat it is not very fun or interesting. Add a few varied heights to show off the beautiful food. Footed platters and warming dishes are easy to add height. For regular platters, I love using empty egg cartons as risers. They are inexpensive, readily available and sturdy.  Just cover them with an extra napkin or go to the fabric store and get some remnants that match your colors.

Be sure to test each platter if you have it on risers to make sure it is sturdy with people grabbing food off of it. Large or delicate items, leave on the table. Not everything has to be lifted, just raise one to three items to add visual interest for the table.

empty egg cartons

10 Secrets to De-Stress your Holiday, Part 2

1. Make-ahead meals and no cooking required appetizers
2. Planning a workable menu and advance preparation
3. Decorate for less
4. Setting up for success
5. Get what you really need

The holidays are officially in full swing which means although you may be having fun planning events for the family, creating your shopping lists, going to parties or special school events and starting some holiday baking, all that and so much more makes this a very busy time. Don’t get caught in all the stress of it but take time to enjoy. Share the fun experience with those you love. This holiday entertaining guide will help with 10 secrets to de-stress your holiday. Check out last week’s secrets of how Make Ahead Meals and No-Cooking Appetizers can save you time and sanity. This week it’s all about advance planning. A little work upfront is always worth the rewards later.

Happy Holidays!

10 Secrets to De-Stress your Holiday, Part 2

3. Plan a Workable Menu

For any dinner party, a properly planned meal is the key to success. It’s more than just what you want to eat or what’s in season and goes together. The key is to think about how it comes together and plan items that can be made in advance. If a menu has more than two things that have to be done last minute, I will choose other options as this can be too time consuming and stressful to take on as guests are arriving. Remember your job as a host is not only to provide food, but also to engage with the guests.

Whether you are setting up a main meal, appetizer buffet, or just desserts, it is important to keep in mind how much last minute preparation is required; slicing, mixing, assembling and garnishing all take time. You will want to have all the food ready at once, so be sure to plan accordingly, choosing mostly make ahead items, leaving only a few last minute preparation items. This is the number one downfall of most unorganized buffets and the cause of most stressed out hosts as items usually take longer than expected and are not ready when planned.

This also takes into account your cooking space. If you only have one oven, you can’t roast a turkey, bake potatoes, and heat a casserole all at the same time. Think logically about how much preparation, cook time and assembly is required for each dish and if you can manage all the work. If not – choose something else or ask for help. Spacing items out like this also makes the cooking more manageable by doing little pieces along the way, rather than getting tired doing all the cooking and cleaning in one day and then hosting a party.

These Ham and Olive Pinwheels are one of my favorite appetizers as they can be made in advance, they thaw quickly and they make a lot of pieces quickly with no last minute assembly.

Do you have a favorite make-ahead or minimal work dish? I would love to hear about it!

Ham and Olive Pinwheels

(Ham and Olive Pinwheels, make-ahead easy appetizers)

4. Pull Dishes in Advance

all your dishes

(pull all your dishes and serving items in advance)

This is a major stress saver. It takes a touch of advance planning that will make your life so much easier later. Pull all your serving dishes and utensils at least two days in advance. This way you are not running around looking for items while guests are waiting and food is hot. If you need to borrow or buy something additional, you have time to do so. Go one step further and label them to make dishing up food easy and set items on your buffet to make sure you have space for everything.

(set serving items out in advance to make sure you have what you need and enough space)

Have a little extra time? Fully set the table a day before so you can just focus on getting the food out.


(set the table a day before your party)