traveling with family

How expecting the worst can bring out the best

Well, we survived our first family trip. Two adults, a 3-year-old and a baby all boarded a plane with 8 bags, a car seat and a stroller. On the way home my husband leaned over and said, “see hunnie, I told you there was nothing to worry about”. I gave him a look that could kill, now granted it all did go rather well our kids were great little travelers. When I ask my 3-year-old if he was ok with his bags he said, “yes mom, I have super muscles” he carried his own things the whole way even lifted his bag over the landing to get on the plane. I was rather impressed. Baby took a nap most the way. It all went surprisingly well but nothing was done just by chance. I worked for 4 days to get us ready for our 5-day trip and every inch of our allotted space was used wisely. Continue Reading “How expecting the worst can bring out the best”