Yes! A healthier pizza and a way to get your kids to love eating more vegetables is a reality. I am super excited about this next gluten free cooking class coming up on May 20th at Mingle. I have had many requests for a class like this so I am sure the event will sell out. You can reserve your seat here. There is lots of talk about gluten free foods these days and some say it is just the next fad diet. Maybe it is and it too will pass but I know for me choosing to go gluten free has radically changed my family’s lifestyle for the better. I only share what I know and what I believe to be beneficial in supporting happy healthier families. I am passionate about cooking and eating real foods and this is just an extension of that. There are plenty of “all natural” “gluten free” “organic” junk foods out there disguised to be healthy options for you. It is really hard sometimes to know what foods are actually good for you.

I was tossed into the gluten free world just over a year ago due to a sensitivity my son had. At first I struggled because I still wanted cookies, bread and pizza, don’t we all love them? There is a reason these are called “comfort foods” I was tired of feeling deprived. I knew there had to be simple solutions to gluten free cooking. I took to researching and testing to only find, like I do with many recipes, items that took too long, were too complicated and often not producing good results. I needed tasty, easy and quick to keep up with the demands of life as a busy working mom. I have tested and tried so many recipes and now I get to enjoy healthier versions of things like pizza with a super easy cauliflower crust. Gluten free cooking may not be for everyone but choosing healthier real food alternatives to processed foods can benefit anyone.
Changing our lifestyle to eliminate gluten and almost all refined sugars has created these results for my family; my son’s eczema has completely cleared naturally. We all sleep better at night, and fall asleep quickly. I have more energy and am 25 pound lighter than my pre pregnancy weight. Yes mommas, all the baby weight and 25 lbs. extra all gone from just changing how we eat.

The recipes I am sharing in this gluten free cooking class are some of my favorites. I also don’t believe in making separate meals for anyone in the house. We all eat the same food regardless of age, taste, need or preference. I also learned to never share that a recipe is gluten free with others as it tends to create this pre conceived idea that is must taste bad. When in reality good ingredients prepared simply almost always create amazing results. At Christmas time I made a platter of cookies that was all gluten and refined sugar free. I set them on the table right next to all the others and everyone enjoyed them just as they would any other cookie or brownie. They only learned of the difference when they commented on how good they were and asked about them did they find out that my double chocolate brownies were made out of black beans. When you use real ingredients you can have treats and not feel bad about eating them.
This gluten free cooking class shares that idea that real food creates real good results that anyone can enjoy. No need to purchase a variety of strange flours, starches or gums just real rood for real people. Join me and learn how easy it can be. Register today!
Do you or your family struggle with food sensitivities? What helps you continue to eat well?