Truth in Advertising – Real Foods vs. Fake Foods

Food Stylist Secrets:
Truth in Advertising – Real Foods vs. Fake Foods

In order to be legally compliant, claims in advertisements must be truthful, cannot be deceptive or unfair, and must be evidence-based. This is true when it comes to photographing food products as well! That’s why it’s important to use the actual product. Food Stylist are not working with plastic foods. We work with the real products preparing them carefully to bring out their best appetite appeal sometimes sorting through a lot of product to find just the right one.

When selling a particular brand of ice cream for example it must be that brand used in the photograph- not a different product or fake ice cream. To keep things like ice cream cold under the hot lights dry ice is used to keep things perfectly in place.

The integrity of the shoot is just as important as the shoot itself. As food stylists, we are ethically bound to use what we are selling in the photos. Also, keep in mind correct portion sizes, not overpromising, and making foods look a

Real Ice Cream. This was shot for flavor cues in packaging
Real Ice Cream. This was shot for flavor cues in packaging
Fake Ice Cream, This was used for the cover a magazine for a dessert issue.
Fake Ice Cream, This was used for the cover a magazine for a dessert issue.

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